Horszowski trio press quotes
“Destined for great things.”
“Lithe, persuasive.”
“The Horszowskis are power players. … Memorably monumental.”
“The Horszowski Trio … delivered an enthralling account of Arthur Foote’s rarely spotted Piano Trio of 1909, distinguished by its graciously Brahmsian slow movement, here given a particularly lithe and sensitive reading.”
“Their playing is impeccable. Their artistry is already at a level that most chamber ensembles strive for but seldom attain. … They will make an indelible mark on chamber music for decades.”
“Their standards are so high and their musical conversation so intimate that the results were consistently superlative. Their sound is elegant, precise, and crystalline. Their immaculate techniques easily handle every demand.”
“Musical and emotional sensibilities that few chamber ensembles boast. … The Horszowski delivered a very fine performance … wrapping up in its myriad emotions the qualities that made the program so gratifying – fine blend of sound, noted attention to musical sensitivities, thoroughly coordinated playing, technical know-how, and overall dedication to the art at hand.”
“An impassioned performance.”