New Century Saxophone Quartet
press quotes
“Tackling brave new territory in the conservative-leaning realm of classical music tradition takes a unique blend of conviction, refined talent and a bit of damn-the-torpedoes ambition. Those qualities are amply in evidence with the New Century Saxophone Quartet, not to mention a finely honed musicality deserving wider acceptance. … Polish and vitality distinguish the group. … Inherently, the New Century Saxophone Quartet is a crusading unit, spreading the gospel about this maligned instrument’s serious aspirations. They made believers here.”
“What distinguished this performance was that all of this was so well done with so little apparent effort or premeditation.”
“The aural equivalent of spiked eggnog, this album mixes festivity and funk; Lenny Pickett’s hilarious klezmer-style “God Rest Ye Merry Gentle Mensch” is alone worth the price of admission.”
“A virtuosic display of dexterity and keen ensemble work. … The quartet demonstrated both the liquid sinuosity and the pointillistic snap of the saxophone. … The players handled it all with panache.”
“The Mozart was played with the precision and grace of the Juilliard String Quartet.”
“The New Century Saxophone Quartet has avoided gimmicks in this remarkable reinvention of carols that is the freshest Christmas CD I’ve heard in years. … The result are Christmas carols that come alive, rescued from the bin of repetition and jaded familiarity. … Throughout, the quartet performs sensitively, always keeping the carols — and their spirit — at the forefront.”
“Precise, synchronized playing was matched by a balanced blend. … A total winner.”
“The New Century Saxophone Quartet is a superbly talented ensemble.”
“Played with the kind of dexterity and precision that made you want to either sell your saxophone or hit the practice room for the next 10 years.”
“Doing for saxophones what Casals did for the cello and Segovia, for the guitar.”
“A festival of virtuoso fireworks. It may have been cold and nasty outside, but inside the North Carolina Museum of Art’s auditorium, things were cookin’.”
“An unusual take on familiar Christmas songs. … This release will particularly appeal to saxophone fans as well as anyone looking for holiday music with a little different bent.”
“A smoothness of sound, blend of ensemble and range of nuance that often astonishes. … No mere technicians but artists who entered into the spirit of the music with wit and fantasy.”
“The New Century Saxophone Quartet is a breath of fresh air. … Indeed the disc A New Century Christmas is unique among this [year’s] crop ... It presents amusing and ingenious arrangements of Christmas tunes by a diversity of living composers, and the results are fun and original. By refusing to be gulled by the Christmas hype, the quartet has created something fresh and irreverent — and it will probably still sound good long after the turkey has become soup.”
“A revelation. … This is no ordinary recording but a devotedly virtuoso traversal of some of the most mind-bogglingly ingenious and inspired counterpoint ever committed to manuscript.”
“They combine great technique and elegant musicianship with a wonderful sense of chamber music.”
“Played with such a catching and playful gaiety, the entire audience was won over easily by the quartet. The dynamic qualities of the quartet shone through in its unforced subtlety.”